
संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल शब्‍दकोशः

शब्‍दकोशः / संस्‍कृतहिन्‍दीआंग्‍लकोशः /

प्रजापति, ब्रह्म


वर्गः : देवता

कौन, क्या, कौन सा

who ?, what ?, which ?

शब्‍दभेदः : सर्व.

विष्णु‚ प्रजापति‚ कामदेव‚ अग्नि‚ वायु‚ यम‚ पक्षी‚ शरीर‚ समय‚ शब्द‚ बाल

visnu, prajapati, kamadeva, agni, air or wind, yama, bird, body, time, sound, hair

शब्‍दभेदः : पुं.

शब्‍दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्‍त संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी अंग्रेजी कोश


{ka} the first consonant of the alphabet, and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to {k} in {keep} or {king})


{ká} {kas}, {kā}, {kim}, interrog. pron. ( {kim} and 2. {kad}, and following words in which the interrogative base {ka} appears, {katama}, {katara}, {kati}, {katham}, {kadā}, {karhi}, {kā}, &c.), who? which? what? In its declension {ka} follows the pronoun {tad} except in nom. acc. sing. neut., where {kim} has taken the place of {kad} or {kat} in classical Sanskṛit##but the old form {kad} is found in the Veda ( Gram. 227) ; [ {ka}, {kô}, {kâ}, {kat}##Gk. ?, ?, (Ion. ?, ?,) ?, ? ; Lat. {quis}, [240, 2] {quid} ; Lith. {kas} {ká} ; Goth. {hvas}, {hvô}, {hva}, Angl. Sax. {hwā}, {hwaet} ; Eng. {who}, {what}.] The interrogative sentence introduced by {ka} is often terminated by {iti} (e.g. {kasya sa putra iti kathyatām}, let it be said, 'whose son is he?'), but {iti} may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. {kasya sa putro na jñāyate}, it is not known whose son he is). {ka} with or without √1. {as} may express 'how is it possible that?' 'what power have I, you, they, &c.?' (e.g. {ke mama dhanvino'nye}, what can the other archers do against me? {ke āvām paritrātum}, what power have we to rescue you?) {ka} is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. {ko'yam āyāti}, who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. {ko hariṃ nindet}, who will blame Hari?) {ka} is sometimes repeated (e.g. {kaḥ ko'tra}, who is there? {kān kān}, whom? whom? i.e. which of them? 54), and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. {keṣāṃ kiṃ śāstram adhyayanīyam}, which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. {a}). When {kim} is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express 'what is gained by doing so, &c.?' (= {ko'rthas})##(e.g. {kiṃ vilambena}, what is gained by delay? {kim bahunā}, what is the use of more words? {dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti}, what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen., {nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ}, what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) {ka} is often followed by the particles {iva}, {u}, {nāma}, {nu}, {vā}, {svid}, some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. {kim iva etad}, what can this be? {ka u śravat}, who can possibly hear? {ko nāma jānāti}, who indeed knows? {ko nv ayam}, who, pray, is this? {kiṃ nu kāryam}, what is to be done? {ko vā devād anyaḥ}, who possibly other than a god? {kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nâsti}, of what person is there no heart?) {ka} is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun, especially in negative sentences (e.g. {na kasya ko vallabhaḥ}, no one is a favourite of any one##{nânyo jānāti kaḥ}, no one else knows##{kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam}, how does he kill any one?) Generally, however, {ka} is only made indefinite when connected with the particles {ca}, {caná}, {cid}, {vā}, and {ápi}, in which case {ka} may sometimes be preceded by the relative {ya} (e.g. {ye ke ca}, any persons whatsoever##{yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai}, to any deity whatsoever##{yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi}, any friends whatsoever##{yat kiṃca}, whatever). The particle {cana}, being composed of {ca} and {na}, properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. {yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana}, without which Indra there is nothing), but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. {kaścana}, any one##{na kaścana}, no one), and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. {yat kiṃcana}, anything whatsoever). Examples of {cid} with the interrogative are common##{vā} and {api} are not so common, but the latter is often found in classical Sanskṛit (e.g. {kaścid}, any one##{kecid}, some##{na kaścid}, no one##{na kiṃcid api}, nothing whatsoever##{yaḥ kaścid}, any one whatsoever##{kecit} - {kecit}, some - others##{yasmin kasmin vā deśe}, in any country whatsoever##{na ko'pi}, no one##{na kimapi}, nothing whatever). {ka} may sometimes be used, like 2. {kad}, at the beginning of a compound. {ka-pūya}, &c


{ká} m. (according to native authorities) N. of Prajāpati or of a Prajāpati VS. xx, 4 ; xxii, 20 TS. i ŚBr. &c##of Brahman MBh. i, 32 BhP. iii, 12, 51 ; xii, 13, 19 ; 20##of Daksha BhP. ix, 10, 10##of Vishṇu L##of Yama L##of Garuḍa##the soul Tattvas##a particular comet VarBṛS##the sun L##fire L##splendour, light L##air L##a peacock L##the body L##time L##wealth L##sound L##a king L##= {kāma-granthi} (?)##({am}), n. happiness, joy, pleasure ChUp. iv, 10, 5 Nir. &c##water MaitrS. i, 10, 10 ŚBr. x Yājñ. &c##the head##hair, a head of hair L##(also regarded as ind##{kam}.)


{ka} a Taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives##it may also be added to nouns to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity, e.g. {putraka}, a little son##{aśvaka}, a bad horse or like a horse)

शब्‍दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्‍स शब्‍दकोश

इन्‍हें भी देखें : ॐ; अ; अकार; अंशकरण; खण्डमोदकः, खण्डः, उपला, शुक्तोपला, शर्करा, सिताखण्डः, दृढगात्रिका; स्वेदबिन्दुः;

These Also : pair; cheerful; eared; iana;

पूर्वप्रकाशिताः ५ अद्यतनीयशब्‍दाः

प्रलय संहार‚ विनाश‚ मरण... dissolution, dest...
प्ररोचना स्तुति‚ प्रशंसा क... laudation, descri...
प्रयोग उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... use, application,...
प्रमाथ प्रमथन‚ यातना‚ दा... thrashing, excess...
प्रमाण माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... measure of length...


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