शब्दकोशः / संस्कृतहिन्दीआंग्लकोशः / प्रयोग
उदाहरणम् : चालः शत्रोः प्रयोग एषः [मुद्रा. ५]
शब्दभेदः : पुं.
वर्गः :
शब्दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्त संस्कृत हिन्दी अंग्रेजी कोश
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दकोश : हिन्दी आंग्ल कोश
शब्दकोश : Hindi English Dictionary
{prayoga} m
{prayo-gá} (Padap. {pra-yóga}), mfn. (for 2 under. {pra-√yuj}) coming to a meal RV. x, 7, 5 (Sāy. = {pra-yoktavya})##m. N. of a Ṛishi TS##(with {bhārgava}) author of RV. viii, 91 Anukr
{prayoga} m. (for 1. See under 2. {práyas}, col. 1) joining together, connection Var##position, addition (of a word) Vprāt. Pāṇ. (loc. often = in the case of Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 25 ; 26 &c.)##hurling, casting (of missiles) MBh. R. &c##offering, presenting Hariv##undertaking, beginning, commencement ŚBr. ŚrS##a design, contrivance, device, plan Mālav. Rājat##application, employment (esp. of drugs or magic##402, 1), use GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. ({ena}, {āt} and {ga-tas} ifc. = by means of)##practice, experiment (opp. to, 'theory') Mālav##a means (only {ais}, by use of means) MBh. Suśr##(in gram.) an applicable or usual form Siddh. Vop##exhibition (of a dance), representation (of a drama) Mṛicch. Kālid. ({ga-to-√dṛś}, to see actually represented, See on the stage Ratnâv.)##a piece to be represented Kālid. Prab##utterance, pronunciation, recitation, delivery ŚrS. RPrāt. Pāṇ. Sch##a formula to be recited, sacred text Śiksh.##lending at interest or on usury, investment Mn. MBh##principal, loan bearing interest Gaut##an example L##cause, motive, affair, object W##consequence, result ib##ceremonial form, course of proceeding ib##a horse (cf. {pra-yāga}) L
शब्दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्स शब्दकोश
इन्हें भी देखें :
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