
संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल शब्‍दकोशः

शब्‍दकोशः / संस्‍कृतहिन्‍दीआंग्‍लकोशः / प्रति



towards, side


विपरीत‚ पीछे वापसी या उलटना‚ वीप्सा‚ अतिशय‚ लेश‚ के लिये

back, return, again, repetition or excess, only a little, substitute, for the sake of

विवरणम् : अतिशय : प्रतिदुष्टकर्मन्‚ अतिदुष्टकर्मा || लेश : शाकप्रति‚ शाकस्य लेशः || प्रतिनिधि : नारायणतः प्रति‚ नारायणस्य प्रतिनिधिः || के लिये : प्रशून प्रति‚ पश्वर्थम्‚ दक्षिणार्थाः गाः प्राप्तुम् ।

शब्‍दभेदः : अव्‍य., उप.
वर्गः :

शब्‍दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्‍त संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी अंग्रेजी कोश


a throw

शब्‍दभेदः : Noun



शब्‍दभेदः : Verb



शब्‍दभेदः : Noun



शब्‍दभेदः : Noun



शब्‍दभेदः : Noun



शब्‍दभेदः : Noun

शब्‍दकोश : हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल कोश


a throw

शब्‍दकोश : Hindi English Dictionary



{práti} ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns, sometimes {pratī}##for 2. See p, 664) towards, near to##against, in opposition to##back, again, in return##down upon, upon, on##before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison (cf. {prati-candra})##or it forms Avyayibhāvas of different kinds (cf. {prati-kṣaṇam}, {prati-graham}, {praty-agni} &c##rarely ifc. e.g. {sūpaprati}, a little broth Pāṇ. 2-1, 9)##or as a prep. with usually preceding acc., in the sense of towards, against, to, upon, in the direction of (e.g. {śabdam p}, in the dirṭdirection of the sound R##{agnim pr}, against the fire Mn##also {praty-agni} ind. Pāṇ. 6-2, 33 Sch##{ripum pr}, against the enemy Mn##{ātmānam pr}, to one's self Ratnâv.)##opposite, before, in the presence of (e.g. {rodasī pr}, befṭbefore heaven and earth RV.)##in comparison, on a par with, in proportion to (e.g. {indram pr}, in comparṭcomparison with little RV##{sahasrāṇi pr}, on a par with i.e. equivalent to thousands ib##also with abl. or {-tas}##1-4, 92 ; ii, 3, 11)##in the vicinity of, near, beside, at, on (e.g. {yūpam pr}, near the sacrificial post AitBr##{gaṅgām pr}, at or on the Ganges R##{etat pr}, at this point TS##{āyodhanam pr}, on the field of battle MBh.)##at the time of, about, through, for (e.g. {phālgunam pr}, about the month Phālguna Mn##{ciram pr}, for a long time MBh##{bhṛśam pr}, often, repeatedly Car.)##or used distributively (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 90) to express at every, in or on every, severally (e.g. {yajñam pr}, at every sacrifice Yājñ##{yajñaṃ yajñam pr} TS##{varṣam pr}, every year, anually Pañcat##in this sense often comp##)##in favour of, for (Pāṇ. 1-4, 90##e.g. {pāṇḍavān pr}, in favour of the Pāṇ. MBh.)##on account of, with regard to, concerning (Pāṇ. ib., e.g. {sīmām pr}, concṭconcerning a boundary Mn##{gautamam pr}, with regṭregard to Ganges R.)##conformably or according to (e.g. {mām pr}, according to me, i.e. in my opinion Mālav##cf. {mām praty araṇyavat pratibhāti}, 'it seems to me like a forest' Hit##{na bubhukṣitam prati bhāti kiṃ cit}, 'to a hungry man nothing is of any account' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 2)##as, for (after a verb meaning, to regard or consider'##iv, 69)##or as prep. with abl. in return or as compensation for, instead or in the place of (Pāṇ. 1-4, 92 Sch.)##with abl. or {-tas} See above##with abl. or gen. (?) to express, 'about', 'at the time of' (only {prṭprati vastoḥ}', at daybreak' RV.)##as prep. with gen. = with reference to Hariv. 10967. [Cf. Zd. {paiti}##Gk. ?, ?, ?.] [661, 3]



{prati} in comp. with nouns not immediately connected with roots



{prati} m. N. of a son of Kuśa BhP

शब्‍दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्‍स शब्‍दकोश

इन्‍हें भी देखें : सम्प्रति; अद्‍यत्वे; अगणितप्रतियात; अग्निप्रतिष्ठा; उत्कट, पागल; जनप्रतिनिधिः;

These Also : set up; withdrawer; a head; a pecking order;

पूर्वप्रकाशिताः ५ अद्यतनीयशब्‍दाः

प्रलय संहार‚ विनाश‚ मरण... dissolution, dest...
प्ररोचना स्तुति‚ प्रशंसा क... laudation, descri...
प्रयोग उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... use, application,...
प्रमाथ प्रमथन‚ यातना‚ दा... thrashing, excess...
प्रमाण माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... measure of length...


आः trending_up
मम् trending_up
मदीयः trending_up
मम trending_up
पोतकः trending_up
प्रयुत्सुः trending_up
प्रतिज्ञा trending_up
कूलंकषा trending_up
प्रलोभन trending_up
प्रलोभन trending_up


उप + गुह्trending_down
अगार,-रम् trending_down
अग्र + अशन trending_down
अति+ तङ्घूtrending_down
अति+ वहुtrending_down
अति+ वृत् trending_down
अति+ सृज्trending_down
अधि+इ trending_down
अधि+ सम्+ वृत्trending_down