शब्दकोशः / संस्कृतहिन्दीआंग्लकोशः / प्रगल्भ
विवरणम् : गल्भ् धार्ष्टये‚ प्रतिमानवान्
शब्दभेदः : विशे.
वर्गः :
शब्दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्त संस्कृत हिन्दी अंग्रेजी कोश
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Adjective
शब्दकोश : हिन्दी आंग्ल कोश
{pra-galbha} mf({ā})n. bold, confident, resolute, brave, strong, able MBh. Kāv. &c##proud, arrogant, impudent Ragh##skilful Kād##illustrious, eminent W##mature (as age) MW##m. N. of the fire employed at the Jātakarman Gṛihyās##(with {ācārya}) N. of an author (called also Śubhaṃ-kara) Cat##({ā}), f. a bold and confident woman (esp. one of the classes of heroines in dram. composition) Sāh##N. of Durgā L##({am}), ind. courageously, resolutely Mṛicch##{-kulāla} m. a skilful potter Bhartṛ##{-tā} f. (Kum.), {-tva} n. (W.) boldness, wilfulness, resolution, energy, strength, power##{-manas} mfn. resolute-minded ({a-}) Amar##{-lakṣaṇa} n. and {ṇa-prakāśa} m. N. of wks##{-vāc} mfn. speaking confidently or proudly Kum
शब्दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्स शब्दकोश
इन्हें भी देखें :
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प्रयोग | उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... | use, application,... |
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प्रमाण | माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... | measure of length... |
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