शब्दकोशः / संस्कृतहिन्दीआंग्लकोशः / अति
शब्दभेदः : क्रिया-विशेषण
विवरणम् : अत् + ड
शब्दभेदः : अव्य.
वर्गः :
पर्यायः :
विवरणम् : अतिप्रवर्तते
शब्दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्त संस्कृत हिन्दी अंग्रेजी कोश
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दभेदः : Adverb
शब्दभेदः : Adjective
शब्दभेदः : Adjective
शब्दकोश : हिन्दी आंग्ल कोश
{áti} ind. [probably neut. of an obsolete adj. {atin}, passing, going, beyond ; √{at}, and Germ. {anti}, {unti}, {inti}, {unde}, {indi}, &c. ; Eng. {and} ; Germ. {und} ; Gk. ?, ?, Lat. {ante} ; Lith. {ant} ; Arm. {ti} ; Zd. {aiti}]. As a prefix to verbs and their derivatives, expresses beyond, over, and, if not standing by itself, leaves the accent on the verb or its derivative##{as}, {ati-kram} (√{kram}), to overstep, Ved. Inf. {ati-kráme}, (fit) to be walked on, to be passed RV. i, 105, 16, {ati-krámaṇa}, n. s.v. When prefixed to nouns, not derived from verbs, it expresses beyond, surpassing, {as}, {ati-kaśa}, past the whip, {ati-mānuṣa}, superhuman, &c., s.v. As a separable adverb or preposition (with acc.), Ved. beyond##(with gen.)over, at the top of RV. AV
{ati} is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives, and rarely to verbs, in the sense excessive, extraordinary, intense##excessively, too##exceedingly, very##in such compounds the accent is generally on {áti}
शब्दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्स शब्दकोश
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