शब्दकोशः / संस्कृतहिन्दीआंग्लकोशः / अग्र
शब्दभेदः : संज्ञा
शब्दभेदः : विशे.
शब्दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्त संस्कृत हिन्दी अंग्रेजी कोश
शब्दभेदः : Noun
शब्दकोश : हिन्दी आंग्ल कोश
{ágra} mfn. (fr. √{aṅg} Uṇ.), foremost, anterior, first, prominent, projecting, chief, best L##supernumerary L##({ā}), f. [scil. {rekhā}] measure of amplitude (i.e. the distance from the extremity of the gnomon-shadow to the line of the equinoctial shadow) Sūryas##({am}), n. foremost point or part##tip##front##uppermost part, top, summit, surface##point##and hence, figuratively, sharpness##the nearest end, the beginning##the climax or best part##goal, aim##multitude L##a weight, equal to a pala L##a measure of food given as alms L##(in astron.) the sun's amplitude##({am}), ind. in front, before, ahead of##({ágreṇa}), ind. in front, before (without or with acc.) ŚBr##(ágre), ind. in front, ahead of, in the beginning, first##further on, subsequently, below (in a book)##from - up to ({ā}) ŚBr., before (in time) AitUp. &c. [ ?]
शब्दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्स शब्दकोश
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